mid day sun day

Sunday, March 29, 2009
me vs the world
Sunday, March 29, 2009
1. poverty-hunger-ignorance
2. stupidity-slavery-harassment
3. violence-bullies-mental illness
4. crime-war-politics
5. love-education-self consciousness
i found myself as a person who hate those upper 4 lists for the most, its my priorities.
which could be resolved with the 5th lists. pathetically, sadly, cliche. dunno why, but still feel them as a basic resolution, the key to the world.
they are such a bottom-up sicknesses i totally cant stand up. things i cant help to just ignore, but stay in my wildest deepest wishes. wild, because it must be took hell a lot of energy, time, regulation, power, and money... deep, because its cliche. i kinda dont trust cliche. i kinda dont trust myself. so i ll just keep it till i dont know when. it will still remain as my wish though.
love & peace,