mid day sun day

mid day sun day

Friday, February 03, 2012

water-dragon breeze

Friday, February 03, 2012
its been a while ^^

my lil family been through a pretty much ups and downs. new schedule. new chores. new milestones. new vision perhaps :p but think its now somewhat started to be left behind. um. we re just somewhat trying to be more focus i guess. trying to be as good, as effective, as possible. last year was a blast. for mviko to quit his job, for my lil baby to reach two, for me to keep sane :p one cant, i cant imagine how i count week by week month by month, until i came to a point where nothing seems really matter. maybe God saved me, because God (always) save us so far. and once i  cant see it as a good indication, as if we need help that big or what..... but then again i came again to that point where me doesnt matter. God knows better, and been so kind and cuddly, there must be some good reason for everything. amen. though i cant tell if its faith or forces of nature talking, but there were i standing. just try to be more focus on what im doing. and i hugged Him before then, before everything else. there were i.

so, what im doing? ^^ me, im seeing how much i can be an assistant. a companion. a friend in need. a partner. anything as part of an integrated support system to my family, with all of my strength and weaknesses. yea, in times, feeling seems unnecessary but a ruin factor. but um. lets just embrace it and take it as a bless. embrace, i dont know i will come to a time to really use this phrase. and about what i found, what i try to analyze, what i try to accept, what i try to see, it might takes forever or never to get it solved. it will always be debatable, and theres no use to prolong (except ure in such a pms mood to calm u down and to keep u sane by making other people insane). so i won't go detailing. its just, by the end of the day, again, i found myself loving people im here with right now.
my husband as a whole package, is still the greatest who brought me my most happiness, most secure and comfort feelings ive ever had, and keep on doing it. and nothing else to say about my baby, as always. its a definite feeling when u see him in the eye and he do it back and the clock stop ticking and hes smiling. he simply mesmerized me by his every inch, his every move and saying. having them as a family. even to reach myself as today this way is already a bless.

and, whats happened? um, i'll try to make it short. mviko quit his job and finally for the first time, we 3 stay together in a house, i guess its started at around june 2011. then we practically do this and that, every little things count. and yeah ok, its miracle that gets us survived. i think we kinda live in such alternative way. um, it might sounds somewhat cool, but trust me it just wasnt that fancy. then maybe due to some gradual changes happened to our life (me pregnant-newborn-breastfeeding-pms coming back-me as a mom-new enterpreneur-living together-and else i cant remember... see, too many changes and waves in a time is aint fancy) ...there were slight clashes, and crashes too :p well, new year feels like a breeze to me since then, its like "ok its new year, everything new a re allowed to happened, right about now..." hihihi... its been a kinda exhausting year before...

and the baby? wow. shaka boy reached a lot. umm... he's two and he can count until ten either in english or bahasa. now he's 25mos and he already understand the different between numbers and alphabets (finally). the 3 first colors he recognized is green, orange, purple,disregarding the yellow whose sooo oftenly come, so that i cant tell if he really recognize it or not. but now he already knew green, orange, purple, yellow, pink, blue, black... sometimes grey and white... without red -___- odd eh?! and then his 3 first songs are burung kakatua, tiktiktik bunyi hujan, cicak-cicak di dinding,... but now hes seems so fond in naik kereta api. his favorite creature fellow started by hippo, then the excavator... and it grows to truck, taxi, police car/ambulance, mixer, compactor and those big vehicles. and about a week ago he also made his 1st scientific question/statement. hes standing in the car back seat seeing the sky then say "the star, the moon, is walking, following shaka" ...i think, wow.

and by the way, after 2 years sailing here in this house, we will move in a very early march, next month. gotta move to another rent house. its pretty a while eh... ^^ and mviko is now again in distant, after like 6 months stay together here. i missed him. no  matter how peace right now is, writing in the night, having my own schedule as i like, i want him here like always. even with any errands that could possibly happened. we 3 together are just too worth.  i missed him. no matter what could possibly lay beneath. kinda hope he feels the same, even just a slightest. but anyway, may this bless works forever. may it be the greatest.
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