mid day sun day

mid day sun day

Friday, September 17, 2010

rush hour

Friday, September 17, 2010
I arrived home yesterday, at least :sigh:
I left (too) many things behind. I feel full. I can't record my baby's growth as well. I can't count my days no more. I passed several milestones and dates without noting it down. I feel lost. That makes me kinda irritated :sigh:
I need my routines badly... I'm such a wreck without schedules... I need to maintain myself, or else I tend to ruin up things :sigh:
Things are ruined up already by the way. My right hand is sick. Now I can feel the pain at almost every move, including when I zip and unzip my pants. I can't pick up things neatly, that includes my cup of tea. I can't hold my baby comfortly, that it limits me pretty much to do some plays with him. And I can't keep complaining about the pain, I feel overrated if I do. But yes, tell me I'm spoiled or anything, I need doctor. I don't know what else, and its pretty much ruining my days :sigh:
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