mid day sun day

mid day sun day

Monday, June 28, 2010

recording #1

Monday, June 28, 2010
:review 6 bulan pertama shaka:

1st time seeing the world ___ december 31st 2009 ___ from hospital to pamulang
track moving objects ___ since newborn
responds to sounds ___ since newborn
1st long trip ___ early january 2010 ___ by train to batang
1st laid on tummy ___ late january 2010 ___ its calming his sleep

heads up when lying on tummy ___ late february 2010 ___ he likes it when on papa's chest
mini push up ___ mid february 2010 ___ a steadier and higher heads up

1st time hair shaving ___ march 31st 2010 ___ in the afternoon
1st time to the mall ___ april 4th 2010 ___ senayan city
1st turn from back to tummy ___ april 19th 2010 ___ at night while half sleeping
definitely able to turn from back to tummy ___ april 22nd 2010 ___ trial and error on the bed
consciously smiling/laughing ___ late april 2010 ___ before papa went to the jungle (again)
start drooling ___ late april 2010 __ wet all over hands and face

happily yelling ___ whole month ___ it seems like a check sound
self intentionally smiling/laughing ___ early may 2010 ___ gone to a never ending photoshots
able to reach (and want) over toys ___ early may 2010 ___ interests for noise and bold colors
intentionally lean and reach to somebody ___ early may 2010 ___ that somebody is me :)
crazily drooling playfully ___ whole month ___ cant stop eating own hands

happily mumbling ___ whole month ___ including mimic and talking eyes, mostly when sleepy
eat everything ___ whole month ___ see-find-grasp-pull-eat!
start using cloth diaper ___early june 2010 ___ goal: fully cloth diaper!
able to hunt (and move) into toys ___ mid june 2010 ___ by tummy or feet
1st solid food ___ june 7th 2010 ___ avocado with milk (and then stopped for medication)
started to try turning from tummy to back ___ mid june 2010 ___ when papa's at home
2nd solid food ___ june 21st 2010 ___ banana: BLW & pureed
1st sit on own butt ___ june 23rd 2010 ___ dr.kiki exam @kmc
secretly able to turn from tummy to back ___ june 23rd 2010 ___ a roll at mbah's kingsize bed
1st pose of crawling ___ june 23rd 2010 ___ power of knees on the go
1st consonant mumble ___ mid june 2010 ___ its heard like a- G, D, & B *where's the M??*
play with his hands, feet, and finally found his penis ___ late june 2010 ___ he likes to scratch everywhere :)
understand playing cillukba ___mid june 2010 ___ he keeps waiting somebody shown up
recognize his name ___ mid june 2010 ___ mashaka, it works better


S26, nutrilon HA, pregestimil, nutrilon soya, isomill (lagi mau nyobain)

solid food:
avocado, banana, papaya

myco-z (salep iritasi/ruam), apolar (salep merah-merah alergi), benoson-n (mirip apolar, tapi ada anti infeksi), nipe (pilek, cairin ingus), mucopect (batuk, cairin dahak), ryzen (anti alergi), BB transpulmin (baby balsam)

head to toe, baby cream, baby lotion, baby oil J&J, hair lotion Cussons, telon Konicare
body wash, liquid talc awk-mothercare, nappy cream little softie mothercare, shampoo cussons

malls: *mamanya kurang kerjaan kalo yg ini :D*
senayan city, bintaro plaza, pondok indah mall, sogo jongkok bintaro, hihihi...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

when the (later) time is come (1st letter)

Sunday, June 27, 2010
:later will come when the time is come. you'll know it when you know it:
hihihi... statement usil dari mama usil yg habis baca postingan terakhir *hey (later), datengnya jgn cepet2 yaw ^_*

hey shaka baby, i have a present =D this below is your father's first letter, it arrived this noon on facebook. i copy this just in case he forgot documenting this first glorious milestones of him.
karena papanya suka sibuk ngeksis sendiri *hahahah*

Dear son,

I've heard many good things about you in the end of this week you have been successful through the journey at a family gathering without the thundering cries, congratulations. I also heard you will eat papaya today, after yesterday you eat a banana and avocado. I apologize for not always able to accompany you to do good things for the first time. But I'm sure, with your mother by your side, you will be better able to learn how to become a man.

my clarification: no thundering cries, but there still were the famous serial cries though =D hahaha, its ok, mama still likes that. and yes, you eat your first papaya this noon, and you seems like it. and yes, you will become a (good) man. hihihi...

The best thing in this week I've heard is that you have to crawl for the first time, ... yes, you are now a crawling baby.. Congratulation again son,..

my another clarification: it was your first crawl son, but it didnt mean that you already are capable of crawling, ok ^o^ but still, congrats! you already did good on your almost 6mos.

And now, I think is the right time to write my first letter to you, a simple letter that might be a pathway to life in the future. yes, ..I wrote this because you already started to crawl now, you are crawling baby….

Son, may you find serenity and tranquility in a world you may not always understand. May the pain you have known and the conflict you have experienced give you the strength to walk through life facing each new situation with courage and optimism. Always know that there are those whose love and understanding will always be there, even when you feel most alone. May you discover enough goodness in others to believe in a world of peace. May a kind word, a reassuring touch, and a warm smile be yours every day of your life, and may you give these gifts as well as receive them. Remember the sunshine when the storm seems unending.

Teach love to those who hate, and let that love embrace you as you go out into the world. May the teachings of those you admire become part of you, so that you may call upon them. Remember, those lives you have touched and whose have touched yours are always a part of you, even if the encounters were less than you would have wished. It is the content of the encounter that is more important than the form.

May you not become too concerned with material matters, but instead place immeasurable value on the goodness in your heart. Find time each day to see beauty and love in the world around you. Realize that each person has limitless abilities, but each of us is different in our own way. What you feel you lack in the present may become one of your strengths in the future. May you see your future as one filled with promise and possibility. Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience. May you find enough inner strength to determine your own worth by yourself, and not be dependent on another's judgment of your accomplishments. May you always feel loved.

Son, I think it’s enough, I do not want to write a long letter, which will only make you fall asleep when your mother read it to you.

no, your papa made mistakes here. you (we) won't fall asleep reading this. we even should keep our eyes, our head, and connection to google translate fully awake =D but well, the several times repeat reading could be worth this time. QC passed =) thats why i didnt do any interruption in several paragraph above.

Finally, I deliberately included a few people in this note to tell you, those are some of the great people, and may be will become a part of you, even if the encounters were less than you would have wished, and you can take good things from them all…

and if only i (or you) would add some more person, we can just pick it randomly. the point is that, there are so many good things around, even sometimes its become too many, that its forgiven if in this case, sometimes you just want to throw the coins =)

w/ love,
your dad.

PS: Son, if your mother read this letter too fast for you, tell her to repeat it, more slowly ...
na ah, you won't need me reading this to you. i bet your father just cant help for adding some ps: in the bottom of his letter =p

oh and not to forget, i also add this note below the letter on facebook:
and you can collect my letters someday in some particular times with your father who will tell where the letters are and when the particular time is ^_*

so here you are baby, surrounding by my world of letters ^^ enjoy!
hihihi... *cium pipi terus kabur*

Friday, June 25, 2010


Friday, June 25, 2010



too much information will kill you, thats what i heard, and its true. udah beberapa kali ngalamin, pas baru hamil - mau nyari dokter, pas udah hamil - belajar perihal gizi, pas hamil 7 bulan - bikin daftar belanja, pas shaka lahir - belajar kolik, refluks, alergi, dst. dan sekarang - shaka mau mpasi. semuanya berakhir dgn berhenti. stop browsing, and start digesting. krn udh smp eneg sendiri, dalam arti sebenarnya. cuma gatau gimana kok ya tetep ga kapok2 untuk browsing lagi setiap ada 'kasus' baru.

this virtual world really cant stop amaze me with things. sampe terharu. nggak tau mau berterima kasih sama siapa *salahkan hormon pms yg ga kelar-kelar*. mungkin karena sekarang2 ini lagi rada gerah sama label google/dsa minded atau sebangsanya dari (semakin) banyak orang. as if i wont hear any advice from other (real experiences/traditional) sources. as if what i got from google are just a bunch of theories, as if my sources are all only the newest update info from only abroad, and so on.... kok malah curhat *kebiasaan*

shaka hampir 6 bulan =) my points will be added later, just find the purple highlights. udah semakin lanyah guling2an. dari telentang ke tengkurep, sumpah! udah lanyah! kalo dari tengkurep ke telentang bisa, tapi masih kalo ada maunya doang =D contoh: digodain, dipancing mainan, atau krn emg nggak sadar aja. refleks yg masih sering sering sih nyantel di posisi miring =p dan karena itullah pengamanan jadi harus semakin ketat. bahaya bener ninggalin tidur dlm keadaan telentang. akhirnya udah beli evamat buat di samping kasur, setelah 2x menemukan shaka tergeletak di lantai. 1x pas bangun pagi, 1x cuma ditinggal ambil minum. dua2nya pake cengengesan. lucu si... tapi miris euy, bawaannya pingin simulasi ulang, gimana caranya ni bocah bisa sampe situ...

iya,bocah... this mama says my baby now is already a big boy. subjektif bgt ya =D habis kayanya permainan ekspresi dan raut mukanya dan ocehannya dan nangisnya udh semakin komplit. sekarang ditambah lasaknya pun. jadi kalo pas lagi tidur, keliatan bgt perbedaannya. hening, dan be sar. sehat terus ya sayang... mungkin sebentar lagi bisa merangkak. sekarang ngesotnya jg udah bisa maju beneran, purposely, meski pake berjuang dulu. manuver kiri kanan udah canggih. notes: keamanan emg jd semakin urgen.

dan sekarang udah pinter mimik sambil posisi tiduran, belakangan suka kebiasaan tidurnya jd begitu =p is it ok? shaka udh 'bisa' tidur telentang lagi. juga semakin fasih melihat warna/barang yg atraktif, terus diraih, dikejar, dimakan...



Hari ini hari kedua MPASI. after all browsing and googling, my baby starts his 1st solid foods before 6mos, and the food was banana, real chunky banana, un-pureed =D you people labelling me with a blind google-minded actually should read this actually:

>>>1st solid food ideally (and recommended by experts & doctors) at 6mos

my explanation: i read in some articles, and experiences of mothers in abroad, that every baby has a various time to get ready to eat, commonly at 4-6months. as long as your baby seems like ready to eat, then just go. there are some signs tells it, and shaka shows them all. and its just a week before his 6mos though =p besides, traditionally, babies already be given solid food at 2mos in the old times, and they survived (that includes me i guess). and papa came home by that time =D thats a bit of my ego, i admit that.

>>>1st solid food commonly are cerealia, or the newest today's favorite, avocado

my explanation: at first i want it to avocado+milk. but it was failed by his disturbing flu. i prefer to take it slow, as it was gonna be his first time consuming solid food and also the medicines. the medication should come first, so be it. until then comes yesterday. i was eating banana, shaka seems like drooling, and in a good mood. and the banana is delicious, and seems like harmless =D then i give him half of mine to play teething, and he seems like it. then i saw it as a good start of BLW-ing (Baby Led Weaning). as i want to combine the method of BLW and conventional, then i continue to pisang kerok. ga sampe bagian tengahnya, jadi mudah2an ga bikin susah pup seperti yg sdh diinfokan dimana2. risky? yes i guess. but again, traditionally, most of people in the old times giving bananas for their baby's 1st solid foods, and the babies survived. think, they didnt even know to left the inner part that it could cause constipation.

>>>1st solid food ideally very light puree, and commonly with milk.

my explanation: i wasnt not in the mood of being perfectionist by the time, i enjoyed my baby's good mood while playing with his food. so i ignore that. besides, babies with BLW method could even survived a big chunky piece of potato or apple =p and so i think and i hope, pisang kerok wouldnt do any harm.

>>>and amen.

see, i also do things traditionally. and also trully do considering and filtering information from any sources. we're all actually just the same, wanting the best for the child.



i really adore the invention of RIM instead of RUM. RIM, Rational Instinct of Moms. Adalah plesetannya RUM, Rational Usage of Medication, yg di sisi lain juga suka diplesetin jd Refusal Use of Medicines =D baru nemu pembahasan tentang ini yg melibatkan resep antibiotik, resep obat bayi batuk pilek, puyer, dan imunisasi pneumokokus *see, how can't i not addicted to browse over symptoms and baby stuff? i even found it unpurposely*

ini seperti halnya juga menemukan label Breastfeeding Without Label (BWL), setelah setelah sekian lama browsing dan ikut forum tetep gentar menghadapi urgensi asi eksklusif. Shaka 1st milk is sufor. and lets say its caused by my lack of infos and efforts before, i cant provide enough milk stocks for him while im away. and this BWL, fully support the goodness of breastfeeding, without discriminating the use of sufor, not even a drop of it. doing breastfeed is good, and thats all. no matter if its combined with sufor or not.

kalo baru dpt info baru kdg2 rasanya ketinggalaaan bgt. mama2 yg lain itu canggih2 bgt. kandungan obat, jadwal imunisasi, kandungan vaksin, resep mpasi, urut2an makanan, dst. its like a never ending feeling of being newbie. makanya bacain dialog di forum, atau artikel asuhan dr, atau website luar, pengaruhnya jd gede bgt. spt skrg shaka udh mulai mpasi jg sbnrnya masih ada banyak pertanyaan, seperti, gimana caranya kita tau porsinya udah cukup? gimana taunya kalo shaka udah kenyang? kapan perlu nambahin porsi? sebanyak apa shaka sebaiknya minum air putih setelah makan? gimana takaran bubur susu nya? kalo langsung pake air aja gimana? ...tapi yg udah berjalan harus berjalan. jd cm bisa insyaallah info yg udh didapet berguna buat pegangan (dan tetep browsing case by case).

nggak boleh bingung. karena kalo mamanya bingung, mbaknya ikut bingung, kalo mbaknya bingung, pasti dia inisiatif tanya2 tetangga, lebih banyak lagi info yg masuk, pada akhirnya bikin mamanya tambah bingung. karena kalo mamanya bingung, papanya lebih bingung, udah jauh bawaannya kuatir, nggak asik deh pokoknya. karena kalo mamanya bingung, mesti lebih susah hura-hura, anaknya ikut bingung deh =D jadi mamanya nggak bingung. hihihi...

mungkin itu contoh kenapa belakangan kerasa positif bgt ikutan forum dan blogwalking. nggak terlalu merasa bingung sendirian. seperti pasca melahirkan bulan pertama, blog-nya chia sungguh sangat membantu meredakan emosi dan tendensi baby blues a.k.a post natal depression. accepting the feeling, that its just common.

spt setelah ngubek2 beberapa forum, pilihannya ternyata jatuh ke urban mama. paling nyaman disitu =) mungkin karena background membernya relatif mirip tk jadi terasa familiar. mungkin jg karena slogannya. it tells all: there is always a different story in every parenting style. it means: there are different stories, there are a lot of parenting styles, dan semuanya halal =D

habis tk sharing sama siapa lagiiiii =p i need to talk and discuss about my baby. i need to find info about my baby. but it seems hard to do that in real. every words spoken tend to be considered as either an offense or defense. ngobrol sama single friends rentan jadi org tua yg ngomongin anaknya terus, rentan jadi mama baru yg ngomongin ttg parenting terus. ngobrol sama friends/relatives with babies rentan berakhir dgn label internet-minded, atau malah jd seperti ngotot2an dgn cara mengasuh bayi masing2 =p i dont want to be that kind of yucky moms.

and somehow, slogannya urban mama bikin tk lebih tenang, mudah2an bikin lebih bijaksana jg =) belakangan agak menghindari memberi masukan/info tanpa diminta. kecuali kalo yg sifatnya lumayan fatal kalo nggak dikasitau kasian anaknya... meski pada akhirnya ya terserah org tuanya si, tp kan paling nggak udah dikasi tau... *kalo yg itu emg udh jd kebiasaan =p maaf... tk akan sebisa mungkin mana yg fatal mana yg nggak...* anyhow, think every child needs their parents to be calm and have faith.

bismillah, insyaallah, amin. alhamdulillah...

:.....oh i know it this is gonna be a long posting... its been a while euy... kemaren2 rumah rame bener, baru skrg rehat deh =):



sejujurnya belakangan lg mulai resah sama persoalan finansial =D gyaaah! ini cicilan 4jt tiap bulannya udah nggak kekejar. meski kalo review emg nggak ada 'uang ilang' tapi habis ini bener2 harus irit. bahkan untuk shaka *karena ternyata belanja terbanyak emg buat shaka =p yg mana ternyata emg jd penyakit setiap mama baru* no more toys, fancy items and tools, habisin stok kioshaka segera, cairin allianz. maaf ya adeeek... but anyhow i will still buy you the playpen and highchair ^^v gyah!

terus berhitung ulang untuk rumah, sehingga uang pinjaman nggak cuma habis buat bayar cicilannya, rumah bisa segera dibangun, dan bisa ditempatin per maret 2011..... GYAH! target yg gila2an ya sebenernya.... tapi kalo nggak gitu berarti harus bayar kontrakan lagi, dan dgn kondisi finansial sekarang, akan semakin nggak kekejar utk bayar cicilan... amiiin...

but in the mean time, lately i often found myself unconsciously staring at everything near and get sunk in a deep grace. my baby, my rooms, my house, my stuffs, stuffs for my baby, and else, that they're all seems so much like luxurious magic. manifestasi resah kali yah =p fuh..... anyhow hope it helps to bring some positive energy for many days ahead. selebihnya adalah, HARUS BERTINDAK!

sehingga isyu sekolah shaka jadi ikut muncul. hitung2an biaya pendidikan ikut bikin gila. the good thing comes together with it, i found some articles about investing. keyword awalnya adalah tabungan pendidikan atau asuransi pendidikan, then i ended up in keyword reksadana. dont know anything about it. it seems too complicated, too difficult, too technical. it seems not in my coverage area.

tapi karena harus bertindak tadi =p i have to digest it. perkembangan terakhir adalah, tertarik untuk mulai reksadana resiko rendah (reksadana ada 4 jenis, 2 jenis diantaranya resiko rendah, tapi lupa namanya apa, its still blurry to me though), dan bank yg paling recommended untuk itu adalah commonwealth (gyakh, bank apa lagi tu...). berhenti disitu. sekarang lagi clingak-clinguk ada nggak bank commonwealth di seputaran bintaro, maksudnya mau didatengin dan tanya2 (setelah udah nyempetin masuk bank niaga untuk tanya2 ttg tabungan pendidikannya yg terkenal itu) i'll take it slow.

and guess what, oma kemaren nanyain, "tik, kamu mau nggak diprospek temenku, aku nggak enak nih udah nolak terus, padahal temen deket. nggak harus mau nggak papa, kan di rumah jg bisa"

...udah males "ha, diprospek apaan..."

"apa ya, mama jg nggak gitu jelas, investasi2 gitu, ...danareksa apa ya", setelah beberapa kali salah nyebut namanya...

wink, mulai tertarik... "perusahaannya apa, bank nya apa?"

"commonwealth. mama juga nggak tau juga sih bank itu,... tapi nggak harus mau kok. didengerin aja", oma mulai ga pede nyebut nama bank yg nggak umum.

gyaaah! kok pas banget..... "iya deh, mau cobain, nggak harus mau kan..."

hope thats trully a good sign... what a super coincidence... bismillah yah...

:menarik nafas... this really is a long posting for me, and a super long posting as a mom =p it takes me 3 days to finis writing... hihihi:



i am a female. im sorry, but I will always have a little essence of me. i am a wife. trust me, im always in a way to eliminate my self as well. i am a mother. and even when im becoming a female and a wife, i will always be a mother.

do you see my point, baby?

i am only such a selfish female of me, if I couldnt let you out of my hug. i am only be a spoiled wife of your papa, if I could only trust him to give you a hug. its because and only because I am a mother, or at least properly try to be one, that I would let go of your hug, and still considerately smiling.

I will just always be here.

ps: and so i pleased you (later) dear, go fly up high ^^

Thursday, June 10, 2010

to love with a smile

Thursday, June 10, 2010
it was a quite fine afternoon today. we 3 had the good mood to walk around the cluster. then we had a very comfy sit in our front porch. then the helper took my baby for another walk. leave me and the papap sitting. then we found ourselves still sit, calmly, and a bit chatty. we chat about leaves pattern, about roller skate, about princess leia, about onion, about the life of nowadays babysitter, about our helper, and a bit of everything else. and then the helper came, and the baby already slept. then again, we found ourselves still comfily sit. smiling at the baby, and continue being chatty. until we heard the baby's soft weep. and then we came in, accompany him to sleep. accompany our soul to have our day completed.

that's cute isn't it. i don't really care if its somehow cheesy or what. because it really is cute to me. definitely something i would run after, even for my whole life ^^

i was once a person not knowing how love could be that good, or in this case, tastes good. i know love is big since forever. love is the ultimate power could ever exist. the ultimate power could ever change a person. the ultimate power ones could ever be very thankful. the ultimate power could turn the world upside down, for real. and the ultimate power could never be spelled as well. and so on. thats what i know, and honestly, thats what i always believe. its just there you see the missing part. nobody smart seems like willing to say that love means happiness, or at least, that love tastes good. and frankly, there were i, just like a dizzy hippie.

and now im gladly mumbling about household craps as if im talking about love. don't you dare to poke, you don't know what im going through, hahah! ^^ no, its not it.

of all the fairy tale i known, of all the stories i read, of all the people i seen, i know, love is big. it contains anything important. thats how people could beautify. we human already have that gift to tend to being melodramatic over anything important, right. hey, its no cheesy. who said to love is easy. didnt anybody tell you that it costs a lot, i mean, very lot, just like all of your money,... no no, its like, all of your energy,... no no, its like, all of your time in this world,... oh no no, its just like, all of your existence being as a human. nah! would you like to ever found one then? ...bingo! i guess thats why the words is fall-in-love, instead of fly-on-love. it sounds cute at first, but then it becomes scarry. again, frankly, there were i, a hippie with her dilemma.

i lost my ground. i dried my air. i gave up words. no, love, it won't be something you'd like to find. it tears you up. what you'd like to do with it is just to utopically dream and watch it ^^

people admire the sacrifice of a mother, thats love. people adore the crazyness of a lover, thats love. people sing about a deep agony, a beautiful catastrophe, and whatsoever seems big, and they call it love. there're seems like only a very few good things left, as if it gotta be belong to someones very special. or else, that gotta be just fake. of course i dont want to be some fake, so it seems like i picked the common way, that it mostly made me puke. hahah! i cannot stand it, then i quit, being automatic. i fell asleep. until he found me, a hippie in the edge of her sanity. half awake, and half asleep. very conscious, yet very drunk. he poked me, then i fell. in the world i thought was hell.

and there i see myself with you both this afternoon. gladly being chatty about cheesy life and mentioning love within a smile. it was heaven to me.

thank you for finding and dragging me here ^^

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

selamat pagi dunia

Wednesday, June 02, 2010
selamat pagi langit selamat pagi awan selamat pagi pohon selamat pagi daun selamat pagi batu selamat pagi mobil selamat pagi burung selamat pagi kucing selamat pagi jemuran selamat pagi jalanan selamat pagi apa lagi yah... selamat pagi shakaaaa ^^

lazy wednesday waiting baby boy sleeping and dear lover juggling, far far away. tapi sebentar lagi pulang ^^ lagi mau ngomongin cloth diaper nih. emg suka bgt tk deh sama item bayi yg satu itu.dan ternyata emg jg adalah candu bagi banyak ibu2. berawal dari fungsi, buntutnya jd lifestyle. buanyyaaakkk bgt skrg jenis (dan merk) nya. tapi tk masih bertahan, tutup mata sama merk2 banyak itu. yaa... ngintip deh dikit2. skemanya tapi ttp bertahan. nggak perlu lah yg buatan usa atau uk seharga hampir 300rb atau lebih itu, nggak perlu lah tahan 12 jam, buat apa juga. tapi emg yg menggoda adalah yg harganya dibawah 150rb ituuuu, mulai banyak skrg. gara2 diserbu produk china yg jg udh ok di harga itu kayanya, jd si usa dan uk ngeluarin produk low end nya. hhhaaahhh...

bertahan di produk lokal aja tk ya. ada si tu coolababy, 2pcs, made in china, tapi udah itu aja. yg lokal jg udh bagus2 kok ^^ bijaksana kan, hihihi.... itu yg coolababy jg ga tau knp kok ga trll tertarik utk dijadiin clodi tidur mlm. keliatan lebih enak dipake yg enphilia, yg justru adlh yg paling murah ^^ kebetulan bgt deh, tk paling suka desainnya, paling suka warnanya, paling suka logonya (halah...), dan paling suka harganya. keliatan agak bulky sedikit sih, tapi sptnya ok aja, ttp terlihat paling nyaman krn fit bgt sama shaka. dan bahan luarnya jg lembut. performanya jg ok. tk biasa ganti 4-5 jam, selalu msh kering. padahal zigie yg ada di harga mirip cuma tahan max 3 jam, itu jg udh pake rembes dikit2. skrg lagi penasaran pingin nyobain enphilia buat semaleman, dipakein insert yg lebih mumpuni, kira2 celananya bisa tahan ga ya... pingin nyobain insertnya rumparooz. (yup, lepas dari godaan merk diaper, dapet godaan aneka jenis insert... bikin bingung itung2annya utk nyari yg best deal).

jadi rencananya nih ya, di rumah pake enphilia aja (harganya yg murah emg jd bikin deg2an utk heavy duty malam hari/pergi2, pdhl belum tentu jg ya...). terus beli insert rumparooz 2pcs utk simulasi malem dgn enphilia. coolababy buat pergi, sama ntar kalo udah agak gedean (coolababy ukurannya agak besar). tapi kalo ternyata enphilia ga tahan buat malem, mau beli metalmom 2pcs dgn 2 micro (ntar micro nya dipake ke enphilia), dan dgn insert rumparooz, harus tahan ah buat malem :D tinggal mudah2an dipakenya bisa trim, body fit jg sama shaka.

jadi gini skemanya,
coolababy 1 + insert micro coolababy 1 (pergi/cadangan pagi-siang)
coolababy 2 + insert micro coolababy 2 (pergi/cadangan pagi-siang)
metalmom 1 + insert rumparooz (malam)
metalmom 2 + insert rumparooz (malam)
enphilia 1 + insert micro coolababy 3 (pagi-siang)
enphilia 2 + insert micro coolababy 4 (pagi-siang)
enphilia 3 + insert micro metalmom 1 (pagi-siang)
enphilia 4 + insert micro metalmom 2 (pagi-siang)
insert micro metalmom 3 (cadangan)
insert micro metamom 4 (cadangan)
zigie zag 1 + insert micro zigie zag (subuh)
baby oz 1 + insert micro baby oz (subuh)
insert smart nappy 1 (cadangan)
insert smart nappy 2 (cadangan)
*ahahahah... emak2 kurang kerjaan yah, yg bisa baca dan ngerti jg kayanya diri sendiri ajah... habis ribet euy merumuskannya, musti dtulis :p

anyhoo... cloth diaper really is good yah. stay dry, fully breathable, natural based, no chemical ingredients (kalo good design is no good :D bikin pingin beli mulu) pantes kalo jd candu ibu2 =) setelah seminggu ini menjadi pengguna, rasanya emg sgt membantu, dan tanpa waswas. maksudnya, bisa main sama shaka tanpa terputus pipis itu rasanya sgt nyenengin. tanpa waswas tangan/baju/sprei/alas nggak higienis, tanpa rewel/ribet ganti celana, tanpa waswas/risih celana basah nggletak di lantai kamar. dan tanpa pampers, dispo diapers, krn sbnrnya shaka pake huggies sih. yg setiap makein pampers itu, kok ya selalu ada rasa bersalah, bagaimanapun umumnya org jg pake. nggak bisa tutup mata sama kandungan kimia dan kehebatan wonder gel yg bikin semaleman tetep kering itu sih... mudah2an kedepannya berani malem-malem nggak pake pampers, dan lebih kedepannya lagi berani pergi-pergi juga nggak pake pampers. jadi pampersnya bener2 buat backup aja.

i love cloth-diapering. trully my no 1 baby stuff! after all my googling and browsing, its so embarassing that i just knew it this lately =p
mid day sun day © 2014