mid day sun day

mid day sun day

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

TUMBLR idea (importing WordPress)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
it started from my thought about the reborn of this site http://middaysunday.tumblr.com/ :)

then suddenly, i dont feel right to post at my wordpress. so maybe im just gonna wait the reborn of it ;p
here are 2 post i ever wrote there, that i dont know how to import it, so i will just copy it straightly.

Halfway Through The Year July 30, 2011

Filed under: milestones — lilchickie @ 23:16 Edit This
pagi ini dihadapkan kesempatan utk komputeran. pilihan prioritas awalnya adalah bikin wishlist ikea utk materi web yg akan dikerjain kinyo, satu dari sederetan thins-to-do yg belakangan ini tampak nggak habis2. tapi koneksi lagi lemot, dan sdh lama sekali nggak nulis begini…
pingin nulis tentang milestones…  setahun ini belum sekalipun ada review milestone shaka rasanya ngak mau kelewatan untuk milestone 18bulan ini. my babys already grown big. yea, i eventually missed a lot of things. twitter agak membantu sebenernya, tapi sistem dia masih nggak terlalu ok utk penyimpanan long term… hmmm, sebentar disalin dulu deh ya….
Hari ini si bayi 15 bulan dan (akhirnya) bisa pake sedotan yeyeyeye \(^o\) (/o^)/ 29mar
bilang Mama ☑ bilang Shaka ☑ …next, bilang Sayang ♡ 9apr
belajar jalan:
Mondar-mandir depan tv, nyari mbaknya jalan ke dapur, mainan kabel diolor-olor…. Tp kenapa malah gak mau ya kalo pas diajak jalan… -__- 21apr
showing own interest:
Keingetan sepatu monster di next ♡ keingetan si bocah berbinar-binar ♡ gimana ini papa @iniviko (>▿<)
bisa jalan:
16 bulannya udah bisa jalan ˆ⌣ˆ sesuai deadline deh *senang* 29apr
eksplorasi ruang:
Apanya yg menarik dr buang barang2 ke celah kecil sih mas… -___-” 2may
asosiasi barang:
Gyahahahah… Odong-odong lewat dia lsg narik2 tangan jalan masuk kamar… Trnyt mau tunjukin ride-on truck nya ^▽^ 10may
1st crocs:
My 1st Crocs (>▿<) makasyi kakuuung ♥ 25may
calling while sleeping:
Oemjih, this baby boy awake in his sleep and straightly call me (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩) 31may
Anak ini hari ini makannya gadoin nasi tahu tempe aja, plus latihan jalan mundur….  -____-’ #biarsakti 1jun
another teething story:
And so today, he searched and called papa iniviko again in his crankyness  o this is cute ♡ 1jun
teething term ke2:
Setelah semaleman cranky, pesta rice crispy jam 2 pagi, msh diterusin pula smp jam segini.. Trnyata erupsinya gigi ke8… 9, 10, 11 ƪ(˚▽˚)ʃ 2jun
The death of the 1st crocs: 1jun
Aaaaak!!! Si crocs kecintaan ketinggalan di dashboard 3 hari, jd kepanasan mleotmleoooot ​(-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) 15jun
pertama kali makan pedes:
Masih mo ketawa ingetin muka bocah kepedesan (keenakan) makan kering kentang-kacang (>▿<) 27jun
bisa ngobrol pagi:
Dialog pagi sama bocah 1,5th: mamma,…|ya?|bobo|iya?|iya| *bocah masih merem* 29jun
a content interest:
After visiting bobthebuilder & being chatty abt excavator this n that, his latest interest, my 19mos baby finally slept happily (again) ♡ 29jul
well thats what happened today  finally im finishing this for half a month, again, passing his 19mos moment. im sorry baby, believe it or not, im thinking about this post in my every idle time. why cant i finish this sooner? because my idle time, is trully the only idle moment i have lately…
but anyway, thats it  :) i cant push my twitter timeline longer than that, too bad.
i just dont wanna miss a thing, and hopefully, i don’t miss anything here except one fact i would never able tell it right.
that you grow up fast, you grow up great. and ultimately adorable. i love you so much. we love you so much. papa viko & mama tika ^_^ those two you’ve just excelled to say.
bless you always dear baby.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

what to pray is for

Saturday, October 22, 2011
im not the prettiest, nor the coolest person around. not even the most fun or easy to hang with. thats for sure ^^ and i might not be the wisest and a strongest person that a person might need.
and there were i feeling so much grateful. i have the most content husband and he is too, the brightest. that i wonder where he comes from ^^ being resourceful and quite a place to go home.
yea, there re not much i can tell about it, but theres this thing i should tell, its so very delightful to have someone to kiss and to hug and do it back for you no matter what. and that i know you wont go nowhere, then its my only choice to make the best of it ^^ to make u happy. amen.
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