mid day sun day

mid day sun day

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

TUMBLR idea (importing WordPress)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
it started from my thought about the reborn of this site http://middaysunday.tumblr.com/ :)

then suddenly, i dont feel right to post at my wordpress. so maybe im just gonna wait the reborn of it ;p
here are 2 post i ever wrote there, that i dont know how to import it, so i will just copy it straightly.

Halfway Through The Year July 30, 2011

Filed under: milestones — lilchickie @ 23:16 Edit This
pagi ini dihadapkan kesempatan utk komputeran. pilihan prioritas awalnya adalah bikin wishlist ikea utk materi web yg akan dikerjain kinyo, satu dari sederetan thins-to-do yg belakangan ini tampak nggak habis2. tapi koneksi lagi lemot, dan sdh lama sekali nggak nulis begini…
pingin nulis tentang milestones…  setahun ini belum sekalipun ada review milestone shaka rasanya ngak mau kelewatan untuk milestone 18bulan ini. my babys already grown big. yea, i eventually missed a lot of things. twitter agak membantu sebenernya, tapi sistem dia masih nggak terlalu ok utk penyimpanan long term… hmmm, sebentar disalin dulu deh ya….
Hari ini si bayi 15 bulan dan (akhirnya) bisa pake sedotan yeyeyeye \(^o\) (/o^)/ 29mar
bilang Mama ☑ bilang Shaka ☑ …next, bilang Sayang ♡ 9apr
belajar jalan:
Mondar-mandir depan tv, nyari mbaknya jalan ke dapur, mainan kabel diolor-olor…. Tp kenapa malah gak mau ya kalo pas diajak jalan… -__- 21apr
showing own interest:
Keingetan sepatu monster di next ♡ keingetan si bocah berbinar-binar ♡ gimana ini papa @iniviko (>▿<)
bisa jalan:
16 bulannya udah bisa jalan ˆ⌣ˆ sesuai deadline deh *senang* 29apr
eksplorasi ruang:
Apanya yg menarik dr buang barang2 ke celah kecil sih mas… -___-” 2may
asosiasi barang:
Gyahahahah… Odong-odong lewat dia lsg narik2 tangan jalan masuk kamar… Trnyt mau tunjukin ride-on truck nya ^▽^ 10may
1st crocs:
My 1st Crocs (>▿<) makasyi kakuuung ♥ 25may
calling while sleeping:
Oemjih, this baby boy awake in his sleep and straightly call me (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩) 31may
Anak ini hari ini makannya gadoin nasi tahu tempe aja, plus latihan jalan mundur….  -____-’ #biarsakti 1jun
another teething story:
And so today, he searched and called papa iniviko again in his crankyness  o this is cute ♡ 1jun
teething term ke2:
Setelah semaleman cranky, pesta rice crispy jam 2 pagi, msh diterusin pula smp jam segini.. Trnyata erupsinya gigi ke8… 9, 10, 11 ƪ(˚▽˚)ʃ 2jun
The death of the 1st crocs: 1jun
Aaaaak!!! Si crocs kecintaan ketinggalan di dashboard 3 hari, jd kepanasan mleotmleoooot ​(-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) 15jun
pertama kali makan pedes:
Masih mo ketawa ingetin muka bocah kepedesan (keenakan) makan kering kentang-kacang (>▿<) 27jun
bisa ngobrol pagi:
Dialog pagi sama bocah 1,5th: mamma,…|ya?|bobo|iya?|iya| *bocah masih merem* 29jun
a content interest:
After visiting bobthebuilder & being chatty abt excavator this n that, his latest interest, my 19mos baby finally slept happily (again) ♡ 29jul
well thats what happened today  finally im finishing this for half a month, again, passing his 19mos moment. im sorry baby, believe it or not, im thinking about this post in my every idle time. why cant i finish this sooner? because my idle time, is trully the only idle moment i have lately…
but anyway, thats it  :) i cant push my twitter timeline longer than that, too bad.
i just dont wanna miss a thing, and hopefully, i don’t miss anything here except one fact i would never able tell it right.
that you grow up fast, you grow up great. and ultimately adorable. i love you so much. we love you so much. papa viko & mama tika ^_^ those two you’ve just excelled to say.
bless you always dear baby.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

what to pray is for

Saturday, October 22, 2011
im not the prettiest, nor the coolest person around. not even the most fun or easy to hang with. thats for sure ^^ and i might not be the wisest and a strongest person that a person might need.
and there were i feeling so much grateful. i have the most content husband and he is too, the brightest. that i wonder where he comes from ^^ being resourceful and quite a place to go home.
yea, there re not much i can tell about it, but theres this thing i should tell, its so very delightful to have someone to kiss and to hug and do it back for you no matter what. and that i know you wont go nowhere, then its my only choice to make the best of it ^^ to make u happy. amen.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Thursday, September 29, 2011
hey, after a while, i found this new blogger interface :) nice...

hmmm, lots to tell... and as usual cant define it good :) but i think i want to talk about friends at first. yeah , of all things happen, of all my deadlines, of all the milestones.

what is friend to me? i was just asking it today. and here now im not going to answer it, i just want to describe where does it come from :) hmmm, well after being a mom, blogwalking is kinda being a kinda refreshing time for me. i wont fake myself saying theyre a friend, although sometimes when i quote their saying, i said i knew it from a friend ( because it would sounded geeky if i told the truth ;p and i might have to bubbling more about that), but well... they on my reading list, been a good friend to me :) bless them. an awesome thing that could be happened when u write. my purest motivation to write (as a professional, not here), to make someone else feel better, like what happened to me after several readings from several particulars. its just too bad that i couldnt be as brave as them yet to (publish) my writings, yet. not only the matter of the lack of writing confidence, but also my consciousness that my bubbling style of talking wasnt something easy or fun to read :p i write for myself, here thats what i do, form follow function... heheh, stop about that.

then today i found out, that i have amazing names on my reading list. like amazing names on my (real) friend list. ok, real friend, u might not pick them yourself, there's a matter of destiny there, considering u cant just delete or edit them as u want. but reading list? hnah... considering who i used to be and what i used to think... its kinda surprising that i dont choose anyone 'good' enough to stay on my reading list, regarding how delightful i am when sometimes i found them on the web. peoples with one hell of a brain and thoughts, and seems not finding any difficulties to spread it along the page. peoples i adore, peoples i envy, peoples i think are may be super great. its not them on my list. people on my list are those ordinary people with ordinary writings and daily crap :) i can tell it really. they are busy talking about sale, lunch, their children fall from a bed, gosipping their friends, and every shallow things you can tell. and definitely not a blog like mine. theyre also sometimes sucks and seems silly with their thought, had me raising my eyebrows like crazy. i oftenly disagree with their thoughts, but its no biggies.
maybe i passed that moment already, to that wacky world of words :) this morning i found one hell of a blog (again). someone with great thoughts and else, leave alone her personality. but then it makes me think. it influences me too much, its like, i dont know am i enlightened or am i bedazzled. it my flaws to be easily distracted, yes. my today becoming grey, until then i found this another blog on my reading list. she is super drama queen, big mouth with big head, bravest girl and mom i ever knew, although people might define it as... sicky ot nuts i dont know. she wrote something... i dont know, i cant even remember what it is :D gotta be something about her delightful family vacation. and then, voila, my mood seems brighter!
i might be such a weak person, but things like these, could really made my day. i like it how they could remind me about how blessed i am :) its like, i might not have the cutest super-loving spouse, or maybe some good special skill of my own, or babies with adorable attitude and any other sweet habbits... i won't say any of that. but im still blessed, and have the right to say that i am, blessed, big time. they remind me that shit happens, but life go on, and there's still so many thing that is wonderful, and shit still happens anyway, but life  again, go on :) its not fake. positivity, i think thats their good influence to me. never ending big thanks. thats how a stupid unprofessional writing could change your life :) think thats why im not very good in writing when im in the middle of something ugly. because, i might not be able to bring out my positivity.
now that im writing, it doesnt mean that im totally leaving all the uglies :) its just that i have something good in my mind already. haha... yea, it was so dark uphere for months, if u noticed my absence lately :D

hmmm, here, let me tell you. i might not able to say so much sweet sparkling words about my family right now, but they really are good peoples... :D haha, ugly statement i know. im not good at this and i dont know how to say it right. hmmm... i wouldnt mind if my life attached to them or their life attached to me, no matter what, for ever. i wouldnt mind being labelled by the name of them, or at worst, i wouldnt mind if being with them means losing my individual identity... :p what about that.... hehe, i couldnt find anything else cute to say...

well, basicly, i think i would be at my ultimate happiest if --- na ah, i cant say it here :p
i just love them. thats all. remember that. always.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

no mercy

Sunday, June 12, 2011
i want to watch the movie harry potter
i want to watch the movie eclipse
i want to watch the movie x men
i want to finish reading the book children are from heaven
i want to buy and read (again) some other female magazine
i want to stroll in the morning
i want to do sunbathing in the afternoon
i want to eat a joy flavour ice cream
i want to buy you my favorite ice cream
i want to eat junkfood with a little cute guilt
i want to sail the city in the smell of freedom
i want to simply hold your hand like freedom
i want to have my dvd night again
i want to share my favorite movie to you
i want to do yoga again
i want to blog, the result is almost the same for me
i want to go shopping by myself
i want to go alone without feeling alone
i want to have that old wise friend in you
i want to crazily redecorate my house and my house-to-be
i want to have those silly fight about that house
i want to be complained in any crazy decision ive made
i want to feel free to love
i want to love you, without hesitate
i want you
and this is all about me and what i do
and oh yeah actually i dare to do everything.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

too ready for a fall

Wednesday, June 01, 2011
im tired. like everyone else.
i write words, many times, just to delete it again. the substance is the same.
seasons change. we oftenly screwed, each other. but still, its easier for me to deal with you, than with myself, as usual. and so its kinda impossible for me to forgive myself.
that i feel like now i won't be surprised if u hate me, or worse.
that i feel like im ready to love u alone, by myself, as i used to do with peoples back then before.
i love u i love u i love u. and i dont need anything else. to make u suffer will never be my objective. id rather go.

i love him. and trust him. more than everyone i ever known. and im not telling this for him to stay. im telling this to show how screwed i am. and the choice is his.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

good morning dawn ^^

Sunday, May 15, 2011

been through some issues, dont know where to start, dont know what to scratch, dont know if its end :p hihihi... lets just look upahead and pray.
god bless u, god bless me, god bless us and else i know :) lets just work and fight for tomorrow.
i might like to ramble, it might happen like scramble, but who know who care now :p i might not do ignore, but we, i know could do better.

im in a deep cough, never been through this before. thats for sure. together with my gastro problem coming. and my period, 1st period after my new IUD. what a combo, yes i know thats weird -___-' but yeah, may this bring something good instead. together with the whole house down rite now. the late-coming maid with a threat of flu, the try-to-gain-some-weight toddler had a flu (again!), and the man of the house troubled with his leg, double combo!
it cant happen be for just nothing, or i dont care what, but something good :p

yeah, its spring, im dying for something good ^^

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Wednesday, April 27, 2011
This place is beautiful, calm, and quiet. Remind me of my old library at school back then. Each and every library, they have the same similarity of nuance and atmosphere. Its too bad that now I can't have my another library for free :p
This place is like a sanctuary. Place where I can rest my mind, body, and soul. Place where I don't have to hide behind a book, cup of tea or an imaginary friend, but some cost I have to pay at the front door. Then I can hang my head or simply asleep. Just me :)
This kind of place is always wonderful. Or used to be one, I don't know. Guess its the matter of the way I see it. There always be part of me being mesmerized by it. But there always be too part of me feeling stupid to feel it :p just like one psychedelic junkie who's enjoying the beauty of an abstinence, local emptiness.
This place will always be wonderful though. No matter what good company I'll bring in. Must I bring one and lost the magic? Must I lost the magic to be woke up? Must I woke up to have one? :) I know, its not about the absolute beauty of this place. Its about the presence of a good company. Of heart, and time.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

shoplist (....or wishlist)

Wednesday, March 09, 2011
i like most of nissen collection. they're cute and whimsical. including this set. i think the price are good, too. so, im still waiting the right time to order both of this set for shaka. my tastes. it could be a good addings for his limited going-out clothes =)

I want this walker and ride-on toys from Taftoys, for my little man too. it's a 4in1 toy anyway :p well... actually i kinda think about the shape. i like the design, but a bit worry if he'll like the car-shape more. but anyway, i'll just stick with this. hehe... imagining is good for him, yes? hahahah...

due to my little man's sleeping problem lately, and it really seems like he sleep more comfortable in cloth diaper (or no diaper at all...) i really think to stock more valuable diapers for night. i think its moo moo kow. just to add some of his other local yet valuable cloth diapers :p well, i kinda have a crush on this brand since its first outing...

And for the mommy, is definitely still come out from ikea :

IRJA curtain rod set 1,90 SGD
GLIS BOX with lid pk/wh/yl 3,90 SGD
JALL ironingboard table 7,90 SGD
VANLIG glass 22cl 3,50 SGD x2set
HAREN bath towel 140x70 yellow 5,90 SGD
KRAMA washcloth 5,90 SGD
ALMHULT mug 0,45 SGD x6pcs
RENATE BLOM 200x200 25 SGD
60,2 SGD = 421.400 IDR

SNIGLAR bed frame with slated base 59 SGD
VYSSA SLUMMER mattress for junior bed 49 SGD
BARNSLIG textiles (white-green hippo?) 12 SGD
120 SGD = 840.000 IDR
*2 bantal mamapapa buat shaka
*2 guling mamapapa buat tamu
*mamapapa beli 2 bantal-guling lagi :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

to delete OR not to delete

Thursday, February 10, 2011
thinking of deleting my twitter account...
because people keep asking me to follow back
because i didnt want to hurt or being unpolite
because i dont want to follow back
because more people follow me back
because thats not my idea of using twitter
yeah... maybe its me be mistaken by the concept of this social media

i want it to 'print' my mind
give myself a record
and since then,
too much sortings would be too much
hfuh, i dont know what to do...
i just need some free space, but simpler than blog.

i'll check.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

sooner or later :)

Wednesday, February 09, 2011
mood mimpi subuh2.... sambil nunggu mviko pulang dari ikea....
kalo lg gini, pingin cpt bikin rumahnya... krn udh mulai pingin beli kasur yg lebih 'layak'... hihi, iyah, terutama karena itu... karena shaka semakin merajalela... ahahaha...

think this set of wardrobe (ANEBODA wardrobe 81x180 cm white -119SGD) and dresser (ANEBODA chest of 3 drawers 80x100 cm white - 89SGD) fit me and my family ;p i like the look, and the price. 2 set of the wardrobe would be a perfect starter wardrobe for me and husband, while 1 set of the dresser would be a perfect 'wardrobe' for my baby. later on, when we got all settled, both of the wardrobe would be cute too for our baby (or babies! :D) wardrobe. And the dresser of course, will go together as well. i always wanted a dresser. think that kind of furniture is very functional, and fit to almost all rooms in the house :)

i really can imagine this goes with cool blue sheet and bolster case (HENNY CIRKEL quilt cover and 4 pillowcase 200x200/50x80cm white/ grey-blue - 39SGD)

And for mood changing, i can too imagine this with bright yellow or lime green sheet and bolster case :D (RENATE FLORA quilt cover and 4 pillowcases 200x200/50x80cm multicolour - from 29SGD is now 19SGD)

And the good thing is that both set could match my basic favorite wishlist: light grey sheet :) hihi... really hope the husband agree enough and could deal with my picks!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

a girl's writing

Saturday, January 15, 2011
its 10 o'clock at night. and im writing like a girl. in a rent house. with a baby plus a sitter. and having a lover million miles away. i finished my period, this isnt pms, and still. i miss him. thats why i told you, im writing like a girl.
its a secret. that i had my head empty for sometimes. and i bite my tongue as i say goodbye on the phone. hold my breath, and burning eyes. or else it would sounds like sorrow. because its not. i just miss him. as i know he must have been missing me more. missing us. missing home. i just hope i didnt make this sounds so sad. because it didnt meant to. its just me, writing like a girl.


this is kinda cute actually, do you know. its 10 o'clock at night. and the lights are already off. there still is a dvd inside my player. i can hear the sounds of the clock ticking. and some securities out there are going around the blocks. my last shower was this morning. still wearing my grey roll-on t-shirt from topshop. and teared away short jeans from my sister. sitting on my
laptop and typing with one hand only, while the other support my cheek. am missing a lover. just like a girl, isnt it.
and on the other side, i cen tell. there is this baby adorably sleeping inside his soft knitted blanket from mothercare, beneath a dim yellow light in my room. oh im so ready for a whine. the room is a bit messy, i let the toys spread around the play corner there. and the smells, my room smells so baby-ish. one world you would let your self drowned in. and i can hear too, the sitter is ironing clothes back there, my clothes, my baby' clothes. just like what you have at home. shes doing her overtime. its sounds pretty real too, isnt it.


its like live in 2 different world sometimes. not that its not fun. and not that its special really. its just common, right. one time i could just swing and fly, and another time i cook and bake. one time i would babbling and being stupidly chatty, another time i gotta be firmly straight and strict. there also time when im in between. i mean, its like... um...yesterday i washed my baby's ride. cool stroller ever really, oh yeah, i was definitely in the mood. so, me, wearing that thin yellow bali shirt and blue tank inside it, with a grey sleep short washed it in my garage. while my baby played with his sitter next to me. watching and playing. we had a quite nice evening back then.
um, can you see that. i mean, me, the master, the mother, washing the damn dirty ride, at my own front door. and what do i wash again? a baby stroller. isnt it seems a bit unmatch? um. i prefer to say its a cuteness. im in the mood of washing, playing with water, and so i wash, no matter who i am. just like when i was a child, who would care anyway? mom's will deal it. haha. its just that i was washing my baby's stroller.now, im the mom. haha.


i miss him. i miss we being chatty about unimportant thing. i miss we doing the sweetness of doing nothing. i miss me, unpurposedly play around the house nagging you. i miss you, have nothing to do and hungry and so you cook. i miss us, pathatically unfed by me, so we do experiments in the kitchen. i miss us, lying on the bed, cuddling. as our hands raised away, and a bit of rambles. we bubbled into the sky. there are days when im missing you like a girl. and now, although im writing like a girl, im going to say, i miss myself missing you like a girl.
i miss preparing your breakfast, setting up your schedules, coordinating myself to you. organizing clothes so that its easy to pick and had its best timing to be wear. randomly going somewhere finding something. choosing menu. i miss having our endless morning lazy hugs and kisses. rubs on your cheeks. the weight of your arms upon me. your palms that always warmer than mine. or noticing you got into the bed at night, throw a little bit of unconscious hugs before go to sleep again. those little random things of us. i miss them.


the relieving fact is, if the feelings coming out because we are separatedly far, or is it because its-time already, i dont really care. we are still the best family i ever known so far. and i hope it will still be like that for ever. that it includes you my forever baby boy.
having you with us, really is one big shot. we grow together shall we? i mean having those feeling, and seeing you sleeping in our bed, are magicly felt like a greatest gift somehow. it might sounds very contradictory, but these all, i mean this cute feeling of being bubbling, tasted wonderful. not only its becoming one good way to remind me how good your father is. or to remind us how great us is. it also to remind that little knick-knacks wouldnt do any harm, but some random imperfections that making us just perfect. and id be thankful for that. do you get me? nah...
forget it. having these all at a time really is a bless. that was the only point so far. then its on me, on us, to keep it alive. the blissful love, the blessful life, and everythings. thats all.


Saturday, January 08, 2011

seasons change

Saturday, January 08, 2011
:feels like its going to be one sad posting:
no its not like something bad happened or what. its just that im having my period, and yes, seasons change. and im not used to be good with it. and i just realized, such things like this, only happen related to period season ^^

um. i basically dont know what happen. but i kinda feel that something is happening. and due to my lack of adaptation skill and bravery, i cant even say it clear and straight. um. of all the love and gifts i had, its not that im being ungrateful and not that im being grumpy. but i dont really like this. i mean, its terrifying. im scared. im not that well prepared for this kind of changing circumstances. it feels like very easy for me to drowned in, and never surface. as easy as i can say it right away before. im too silly. im too cold. im too vulnerable. im too fragile. im too childish. too clumsy. too sloppy. too scared. too stupid. too misfit... im too ready for a fall.

rasanya belakangan ini tk banyak melakukan kesalahan. itu di luar dari banyak hal yg belakangan ini tk pikir tk nggak bisa kerjain. hal-hal yg tk nggak tau sebelumnya, hal-hal yg tk nggak kepikiran sebelumnya, bahwa tk nggak bisa. hal-hal tidak berjalan sesuai rencana. dan meskipun dengan segenap hati tk berdoa dan percaya sama-sama kamu fu, tk bisa. nyatanya tk belum bisa bilang dengan mudahnya, bahwa hal-hal berjalan lebih baik dari rencana. meski dengan sangat sadar tk bisa bilang dengan mudahnya, hal-hal sudah berjalan dengan sangat baik. dan penuh kebetulan-kebetulan dari Tuhan yang ajaib dan menyenangkan.

menarik nafas. melirik kamu fu. ada rasa bersalah karena tidak bisa mendampingi dan navigasi. dan bahkan masih repot mengurus diri sendiri. perubahan demi perubahan. kamu bener fu, sekarang waktunya udah berjalan cepat, udah nggak boleh lagi serampangan atau resah sembarangan. udah bukan waktunya untuk labil terus ngilang sendirian. nggak ada waktu juga untuk tenggelam dan menelusuri kebingungan. yang menakutkan adalah kalau cuma bisa mendiamkan dan membiarkan. celahnya akan selalu terbuka untuk hinggap dan menjebak.

seasons change. do i grow any better? could i grow better? im still the person who need you to shut the hole. and now is the time you need me not to having the hole. i can hide it, but i cant kill it, there im afraid im gonna lost. and im afraid to get it out. seasons change? i change? could i change? how if i change? should i change? seasons change and i dont know what to do. again i feel like becoming a trouble. i dont wanna be trouble. i can hide it, but i cant kill it, there im afraid im gonna lost again.

its kinda one good thing that this season change includes new year. as if things are already meant to change. just like my baby boy stepped into such toddler world. and thankfully by the end of last year we also entered one new world of selling things. well, lets just consider its done. i mean, the changes, sillyness, adaptation matter, hard works needed, are all meant to be, and this breakdown phase is must-through. i mean, people isnt meant to be a sudden expert, yes?
pegang pipinya. tinggal mudah-mudahan tk cepet adaptasinya ya Tuhan ya... untuk tk jadi mama yang lebih canggih, jadi istri yang lebih pinter, dan untuk ttp bisa jadi sebaik-baiknya tk.

we will together grow big, grow good, and happy. i will have my faith. i love them.
and amen*

Sunday, January 02, 2011

love parade

Sunday, January 02, 2011

yeah! this is my new toddler ^^v
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