mid day sun day

mid day sun day

Sunday, June 27, 2010

when the (later) time is come (1st letter)

Sunday, June 27, 2010
:later will come when the time is come. you'll know it when you know it:
hihihi... statement usil dari mama usil yg habis baca postingan terakhir *hey (later), datengnya jgn cepet2 yaw ^_*

hey shaka baby, i have a present =D this below is your father's first letter, it arrived this noon on facebook. i copy this just in case he forgot documenting this first glorious milestones of him.
karena papanya suka sibuk ngeksis sendiri *hahahah*

Dear son,

I've heard many good things about you in the end of this week you have been successful through the journey at a family gathering without the thundering cries, congratulations. I also heard you will eat papaya today, after yesterday you eat a banana and avocado. I apologize for not always able to accompany you to do good things for the first time. But I'm sure, with your mother by your side, you will be better able to learn how to become a man.

my clarification: no thundering cries, but there still were the famous serial cries though =D hahaha, its ok, mama still likes that. and yes, you eat your first papaya this noon, and you seems like it. and yes, you will become a (good) man. hihihi...

The best thing in this week I've heard is that you have to crawl for the first time, ... yes, you are now a crawling baby.. Congratulation again son,..

my another clarification: it was your first crawl son, but it didnt mean that you already are capable of crawling, ok ^o^ but still, congrats! you already did good on your almost 6mos.

And now, I think is the right time to write my first letter to you, a simple letter that might be a pathway to life in the future. yes, ..I wrote this because you already started to crawl now, you are crawling baby….

Son, may you find serenity and tranquility in a world you may not always understand. May the pain you have known and the conflict you have experienced give you the strength to walk through life facing each new situation with courage and optimism. Always know that there are those whose love and understanding will always be there, even when you feel most alone. May you discover enough goodness in others to believe in a world of peace. May a kind word, a reassuring touch, and a warm smile be yours every day of your life, and may you give these gifts as well as receive them. Remember the sunshine when the storm seems unending.

Teach love to those who hate, and let that love embrace you as you go out into the world. May the teachings of those you admire become part of you, so that you may call upon them. Remember, those lives you have touched and whose have touched yours are always a part of you, even if the encounters were less than you would have wished. It is the content of the encounter that is more important than the form.

May you not become too concerned with material matters, but instead place immeasurable value on the goodness in your heart. Find time each day to see beauty and love in the world around you. Realize that each person has limitless abilities, but each of us is different in our own way. What you feel you lack in the present may become one of your strengths in the future. May you see your future as one filled with promise and possibility. Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience. May you find enough inner strength to determine your own worth by yourself, and not be dependent on another's judgment of your accomplishments. May you always feel loved.

Son, I think it’s enough, I do not want to write a long letter, which will only make you fall asleep when your mother read it to you.

no, your papa made mistakes here. you (we) won't fall asleep reading this. we even should keep our eyes, our head, and connection to google translate fully awake =D but well, the several times repeat reading could be worth this time. QC passed =) thats why i didnt do any interruption in several paragraph above.

Finally, I deliberately included a few people in this note to tell you, those are some of the great people, and may be will become a part of you, even if the encounters were less than you would have wished, and you can take good things from them all…

and if only i (or you) would add some more person, we can just pick it randomly. the point is that, there are so many good things around, even sometimes its become too many, that its forgiven if in this case, sometimes you just want to throw the coins =)

w/ love,
your dad.

PS: Son, if your mother read this letter too fast for you, tell her to repeat it, more slowly ...
na ah, you won't need me reading this to you. i bet your father just cant help for adding some ps: in the bottom of his letter =p

oh and not to forget, i also add this note below the letter on facebook:
and you can collect my letters someday in some particular times with your father who will tell where the letters are and when the particular time is ^_*

so here you are baby, surrounding by my world of letters ^^ enjoy!
hihihi... *cium pipi terus kabur*

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