mid day sun day

mid day sun day

Saturday, December 12, 2015

when december comes

Saturday, December 12, 2015
time to update milestones :)

firstly first about the house, i finally decided to put it only in tumblr. too lazy to put here in a blog post. the progress mainly are at the backyard ...or at least that is how the kid call it, some small open space at the back part of the house. then the lightings, kitchen table and backsplash, drainage, ...well a  lot of little random here and there waiting to be finalized actually. cant imagine what progress could be done in 2 weeks, but... we actually planned an open house by the end of this year XD HA!  

that was around time and when that little kid of mine hit 6. i said there will be no 'party', like some diy decors or goody bag, but insyaallah we will still invite friends and families. the schedule will be more like 'selametan' :) berdoa. slash housewarming (party). double slash open house, because actually i still have no idea about partying at this kind of tight schedule time. some papi's deadline also in this month, and i am too preparing mid-year class party at school... preparing like, responsible for the decor wholly. semacam kurang kerjaan, tapi gimana lagi, kalo udh dapet job desc anaknya all-out. hahahah,... so again just like another december, i am busy with diy-project and printable design XD wish me luck. no, wish us luck. not yet new year but so many target already for 3 of us. alhamdulillah...

as for the kid, he is too definitely actually has target. cheap one, but pretty real actually. specially at catching up english score to excel the passing grade XD just got back from parent-teacher conference a.k.a rapotan this morning. just like figured, his reading-writing skill still become his obstacle. hmmm welll... he can read, but not really. words just don't come easily yet. so of course it will be hard to comprehend still. and he can write, but still on invented writing, aka phonic based only, that surely will fail his english subject. figuratively i know, its normal. i already checked his milestones, and read articles about his age and those skills. He's basicly doing just fine, and anyhow he's the youngest in the class. december born, remember. but, without any intention to comparing to his friends and excusing his age, it just feels not right to just say, "ah it's ok" :) 

that's just not what some best efforts can do. and giving best efforts is one of what we value in the family. i've been delaying reading course for a year by now by the way. his progress anyhow is very good. right about last year he cannot read, and can write his name only. now he can read mini books with companion (just to keep him steady and consistent), and start to comprehend slowly. now too, he can write stories, like about 5 sentences long, although still in invented spelling. 

"he hes 20 appl s. he its 8. he kennot it sum more"

cute ya :) im so glad i still able to see cuteness in it anyway. but well, gotta move on baby. we've chosen the educational track, we have to adapt, and we have to give our best efforts. hello integrity and content ! to be honest, there's a bit of me says hooray knowing that he's still lack of appraisal sense. hahaa yes i am actually still trying to put efforts carefully regarding those value and age milestones. we always are. so the thrilling scores are actually part of the struggle. i always say, wait until he's 6. wait until term 4. ala ala tes ombak. HA! XD fingercrossed sampe naik kelas.

by the end of this month he will be 6. im so glad seeing him still as brilliant as he used to be. may he will always have those sparkly eyes of spirits and curiosity ....errr sama bolehlah, kalo reading readyness nya dateng cepetan XD sekarang udah mulai ngasih prolog tentang phonics extra classes nih, alias les baca. hahahahahh soalnya assesmentnya sekarang banyakan paper nak... kalo ujiannya presentasi semua, gak usah belajar juga masi optimis deh dapet full score, kan rugi bandarrrr. stay strong baby, your readyness will catch up! and for the rest... as usual i have faith in you undoubtedly :) i always do. 

be always happy and never forget that you are awesome already.

stay curious and always remember Allah, the ultimate one.
never give up to be all out and sincere.
and one more... be kind and believe me, it's cool :D

i read in an article, sometimes soon not only his first tooth will fall out, he's imagination dreamland will start to fade out too in this age. and yes things do get more realistic as he entered elementary. he was at the highest level of baby last year. now he's like in the first new phase of big kid :) not that it was scary, but good luck kid, my forever baby. may you have your journey safe and sound.


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