mid day sun day

mid day sun day

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

hello checkpoint(s) part.2

Wednesday, September 09, 2015
btw, we're homeless right now :D

but hopefully even closer to our very own home sweet home. we're done with our rent house last week. byee 4 previous home base, u're all meant for me! 

and this is why i can write this long right now. the situation is, per today we spend our whole day in bintaro-serpong, then we sleep in pamulang with ooma at night. being disturbingly too idle at mahagoni home project, today i asked to spend times in McD with fufa's laptop. Hihihi.... junkfood, laptop, selfspace :* Tadaaa !!!

to be reviewed, its a damn amazing feeling being here at this phase. wherever you(s) are, its home. it literally is now. it may not be all comfort, especially with kid and his schedules, am struggling and juggling hard to fulfill them all still. but really, i thanked God of how i still am feeling safe. having faith and steady for whats going on. Alhamdulillah :)

next awaitment is, the master bedroom. so we can move in. homeless life into camping life xD Yazz! 

ps: i actually want to make this new house thing as a checkpoint, but turned out thats not the point for now. It's like no other, HOMELESS phase xD checked!

mid day sun day © 2014