dreams were raising up
realistic goals to be pursuit
bunch of new friends and peers
they are all lovely yet easy
passions were recalling
imagination clearly setting up
new cool chores are awaiting
life is moving taking me in
dearest families lay around the corner
world is becoming more make sense
and as i turn around still i see them cuddly
within the smell and warmth i would always miss
juli lalu shaka resmi TK A :) sekolahnya pagi, jam 8-11.30. mandarin seminggu 3x, sand box time seminggu sekali, masuk gerbang sekolah sendiri, keluar sekolah sendiri, antri satu-satu, toilet time sendiri pada waktu yg ditentukan, mulai ada rewards and specially punishment, guru dan temen sekelas yg sama selama setahun, goal bukan lagi cuma mengerti topik dan bisa jawab pertanyaan, tapi juga berpartisipasi dan berpendapat.
secara umum...... tambah pecicilan. banget. yg agak menghibur adalah pertanyaannya juga ikut semakin canggih. perhatian dan ketertarikan sama sistem mekanikal, per-angka-an, pola (kategori science mungkin?) dan main ngobrol sama orang-orang baru terutama kakak2 yg lbh besar, ngajak kenalan orang di mana-mana, mingle di lingkungan baru (kategori sosial?) dua itu keliatan sekali progressnya :D selain itu juga tampak mulai mengerti pentingnya menahan diri. kalau marah, tidak suka, sedih, rules, restriction. mulai bukan balita lagi. mulai jadi anak-anak. laki-laki.
he will be 5 by the end of this year though. then, not to mention how well he does it (which is ...lets say we definitely are proud parents) but most importantly, he loves it! Hope he keeps improving and grows more enthusiasm. and may there always innate a kind and sincere heart :)
there is another big thing. later i think i would have a longer version to tell. not a very easy nor pretty one actually. but lets just have faith :)
this august itself by the way, is not another big thing. our 6th anniversary. me with the man of no sweet words but an ultimate guidance and companion :) love and whatever good it is, may it is mutual, for eternal. its not another big thing. its the thing :)