grow big, grow good, grow happy, kiddo ^^
mid day sun day
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
what've been done before A year :countdown:
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
setelah tk kelewatan begitu banyak moment dan milestones utk dicatat, diingat, direkam, dan disimpan... masihlah pula hilang blackberry gemini putihnya... so im officially tracking down photos in some other's mobile phone or else... terutama utk bulan ke 7 s/d sekarang... fuh...
tapi juga setelah melewati banyak kekonyolan dan naik-turun kondisi tubuh (termasuk sakit roseola infantum di akhir bulan ke 10 sehingga smp skrg masih ada hutang imunisasi IPD), di bulan ke 11 ada banyaaaak yang baru yang canggih dan nyenengin. his name is shaka, and he used to act like a cute-sloppy baby boy. but he is now a toddler, still cute, and about to rise and shine ^^v bless u. cup.
first words : its still heard like a babbling, tapi sudah hampir pasti, adalah 'udah', 'mbak', 'papa', 'dadah'.... i will work more for 'mama' later -__-
first table food : gula garam colongan banyak di bulan ke 11 ini =D he's very demanding into foods. mulai dari kue basah tradisional nagasari, putu, kue temennya pukis favorit papa, honeystar mama, tahu goreng, ubi goreng, tempe goreng, banana berry di urban kitchen, paddle pop, conello disc, buavita mango..... biar kata icip-icip doang tetep aja terusan -__-' mudah-mudahan gapapalah... belakangan jg tk kasih keju, dan tk agak membebaskan diri sama dairy product dan telur.... masih ada reaksi sih, tapi sepertinya sdh jauh lebih baik..... mudah-mudahan semakin baik =) ....errrr.... tinggal tk harus nyari resep2 lagi skrg.....
seven teeth : nggak tau ada pengaruhnya atau nggak... tapi belakangan mimik di malam hari kembali menyakitkan... smp kemaren smp huru-hara di pagi buta...
more hair (seems) to grow =D
normal height and lower weight in the growth chart : sehat yuk sehat ah sehat yah ^_^ yang penting sehat, banyak milestones yang nunggu di bulan2 berikutnya.....
first gestures: pusiiing!! (pegang kepala pake 2 tangan dengan mimik dan intonasi sebel) - halo? (1 tangan nempel kuping sambil mimik dan intonasi bertanya, kalo megang/ngeliat handphone/telepon jg bereaksi begini) - dadah (dadah sama semua orang yg lagi dadahdadah, responnya yg in masih suka lemot :D) - tepuk tangan (atau pok'e'pok -__- ajarannya mba ina) - cicak! (langsung liat ke atas nyari cicak) - dungdung! (jitak/toyor kepala sendiri :D yg ini baru bisa hari ini) ....and all these, muncul di bulan ke11 semua! canggih kan =) dalam hal ini mbak ina jg cukup berjasa, tinggal arahannya harus lebih jelas supaya nggak muncul bahasa2 aneh yg menyesatkan... hihihi...
first animals: kucing, cicak, bebek (mungkin)
30 imaginary toys : are u sure wanting me to mention all? :D well, it involved mobile purse and casing, old socks, old newborn shoes, namecard holder, wetnapkin and huggies plastic packaging... they're just permanently rich and lovely ^_*
first step : na ah, he's just mastering crawling right after 'rambatan', he's just on the way, i'll take it easy =)
first (mama's favourite) gear : (hihihi kategori khusus buat mamanya)
peg perego Si stroller (very sturdy and comfy and still looking good at every occassion, tapi emg kalo sekarang udah waktunya dicuci sih -__- udah buluk bener...)
graco tea time highchair (must-have for growing a happy-eater)
hanamuguri carrier (sangat simpel... sebenernya (masih) tertarik sleepywrap tapi rada telat taunya :D)
pigeon food maker (sangat 'cukup' dan serbaguna utk awal mpasi)
enphilia cloth diaper (its comfy, cute, useful, local-made, and very affordable and worth for it's price! tapi masih tertarik sama moo-moo kow dan green nappy pull up si... =p)
avent reusable pads (asli berguna! asli murah! asli nyaman bgt dibandingin yg dispo!)
liquid talc mothercare (it seems fancy, but i found out its not, ...i mean, it really works!)
jumper carter's (easy and affordable, good textiles too... sayang nggak ada yg 12+)
cotton-ink classic shawl (baru punya sebentar, tapi langsung kerasa bgt gunanya, dibanding nursing shawl yg lain...)
blackberry (been a help since i haven't even have it, 1st friend after delivery, nice companion while breastfeeding, easy and compact moment recorder and distributor)
last but not least, THEURBANMAMA.COM (this is ain't ad info, and you can call me geeky to say that... even i was thinking to put this name right on my last posting on mother's day actually... to me, the portal's been a quite good companion since then, cool and easy people with pretty cool mind and attitude. i wonder them many times, on how they make me feels (at home, or at least not alone) i really heart them ^^
and so... lets just welcoming tomorrow =)
i hope i can post some pictures later.
love u my little man.
Monday, December 27, 2010
what to do after A year :countdown:
Monday, December 27, 2010
menjelang shaka 1 tahun, menjelang tahun baru, dan mumpung papanya shaka lagi nggak di rumah dan ngaja ikea-an terus... mama mau bikin planning...
planning ini dibuat dengan serius, dan diharapkan juga disertai dengan follow up financial planning yang sama seriusnya ^o^ hihihi...
:aslinya sih lagi abis-abisan... jadi yuk kita mimpi dulu aja:
2011 - shaka 1 tahun
#1 Belajar travel ^_^
sama oma, eyang, kakung, om, auntie, mama, papa, digilir deh satu-satu gapapa
buat warming up... pengenalan sama dunia luar, ahahaha =D luar negeri kalo bisa mah....
#2 Pindah rumah sendiri
rumah baru, kasur baru, dipan baru, lemari baru, meja makan baru, ... ayo kita sama-sama bilang amiiin..... ^^v
#3 Fropper bike by Okiedogs
uh... i really heart the design....
2012 - shaka 2 tahun
#1 Main sekolah-sekolahan
ikut paketnya di Cikal... insyaallah masih affordable dan bisa jadi tempat main-main dan pengenalan sekolah beserta proses belajar dan bersosialisasi yg nyenengin...
#2 (easi-peasi) working-mama again eh?
let's see the available vacancy in the dream school ya =)
#3 CRIB baru buat shaka
anak mama udah gede dooong, udah disapih, bobonya juga mulai sendiri ya.... ntar nyari tempat tidur serius ya... semacam daybed/box bayi yg agak besar yg desainnya memungkinkan utk co-sleeping sama mamapapa dan dipake s/d shaka 5tahunan, aman, dan, bisa jadi box lagi buat kalau punya adek lagi nantiii... ^_* (masih sangat suka cot 3in1 ini.... atau babybelle winston yg lebih murah, tapi katanya drop-side crib spt itu udah di US di-banned krn nggak aman... jd 3in1 cot ini masih sgt perrfect... oh i love customized design!)
2013 - shaka 3 tahun
#1 Entering playgroup
shining star it is??? let's see ^o^
#2 Mobil baru...
*eh!* ....hihihi, ayo bilang amiiin lagiii!
2014 - shaka 4 tahun
#1 Disneyland Hongkong!!!
it's said that it's perfect for toddler 3-5 years old... and me want touring Hongkong city!!
yuk piknik bertiga sama mamapapa... hap hap hap ^_^
2015 - shaka 5 tahun
#1 Shaka mau adek?
ready for a new family member? ready for another new happy world and joy?
*eh!* ^_^
ahahahaha ^^V *fingercrossed*
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
mother's day posting
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
:its not that im unblessed, but unlike another blessed daughter, i'd rather start by straightly saying, no i don't want to be like mom:
she is a fun person, actually. but she has this cranky mood making her somewhat hysterical. easily got panicked, or lost in a deep euphoria, or dramatically drown herself down by such imaginary fear and catastrophe. hwow, its a definitely unhealthy, yes? um... its just that i know that she is not her all the time. i mean, its time who has carried her all the way.
there was a time at school i would say that she is my role model, such an idol character. although i remember i was saying it because i didn't know who else i should admit. but i think its pretty something, at least for someone like me. well, i used to sort myself pretty well i guess. herself coming at my mind by the time isn't instant though. i mean, i remember that i really found certain facts along the way.
i cannot tell much about it. if you ever got a chance to meet her, you'll see. she is lovable, fun, chatty, a bit childish... errr.... or yes, child-like -___-' she is quite interesting, very lively comparing to me. she is such a free thinker trapped in a body full of norms and terms... maybe i'm a bit overrated here. but i think, thats a pretty good term too for her, overrated. ahaha, yes she's just that special.
but still, no lah, i don't want to be like her. and i think she actually wouldn't want me to be like her either. but ever heard the words "a man cursed for won't ever be like his dad, and a woman cursed for gotta be like her mom"... yeah, thats hell scarry... nooo, i don't want to be such an unstable adult laughing and weeping both effortlessly like mooom... gotta ground... gotta ground now...
its just, there's this one thing i found out after i delivered a baby. i was and i maybe still am such a weak, clumsy, careless, stubborn yet vulnerable person turning into a mom. my flaws leads me scared and worried. and by that point i realized, there's this one thing, i ultimately wanted from my mom. of all her flaws, characters, habbits, that could have been been passed to me, i hope there's this one thing (or if its possible, this one thing only =p) been through in my blood. my origin.
it was the love to be me. the happiness for being myself, and not wanting another. another person to be, another person to be with. another world to be lived. another heart and experiences to be in. yeah, of all her flaws i really wondered how she could made me that way. and heartfully hope, that at that point, i could do the same for my baby, for least. yeah, of all her flaws, eventually she filled me good enough.
so kiddo, hail to oma!!! and i, as a loving daughter, as usual, will just be there to poke her :D isn't that cute? ...happy mother's day mama. God knows how worthy you are. i know. and that's not the reason why i love you, so don't you worry :D HUG.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
my ikea wishlist :revised:
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Due to the cancellation of shaka birthday party ^_^ i sort my wishlist into this below:
SÖT BARNSLIG soft toy - all variant @ 0,90 SGD
NEGLINGE candlestick/tealight holder - 3pcs @ 0,90 SGD
KLADD bib assorted colours - 1 pack @ 3,90 SGD
MYSA STRA quilt 150x200 - 1pc @ 15 SGD
VITAMINER VIMPEL quilt cover and pillowcase 150 x 200 - 1 set @ 15 SGD
TRIPP tin with lid, set of 3 - 1set @ 6 SGD