Been so long since the last time online with such a big screen *sigh* mana sih nih org telkom, katanya mau pasang modem speedy gratisan... Tiwas nggak ngisi im2...
Days been fine =) after around a week of several adjustments and adaptation, things gone back to normal. I, we, finally had my, our routines back. Mbaknya jg alhmdlh saat ini udh bs jalan sendiri.
Yes. She's a bit slow, and also seems like a slow learner, and not phisically good in hearing too, that it gets me fed up for several times..... Tapi skrg sdh jauh lbh baik.
What's needed is just a full-detailed schedule and rundown. Then she could do the modification later on. She's not very good in being initiative, but maybe somehow, it could be a good point. Udah capek ah sama mbak-mbak yg kebanyak inisiatif dan buntutnya susah dikasitau :p
Umm... The other good point is that she seems like has a thing with shaka. No its not that she could tame him nicely, nor viceversa. Its just that she seems like liking him, my baby. Nggak usah deh bilang sayang atau baik atau lembut atau apa yg indah2.
But I see him able to amaze or surprise or make her laugh easily. And she reacted pretty well at any of his (new) attitude. So then I consider that as 'care' or at least, 'heartful'. Fingercrossed really..... I really do hope this one can work out well...
Sbntr lagi shaka 10 bulan.... Its kinda annoying finding blank spot in my notes of his milestones =( big regret. But things been better and I don't want to ruin it with such (small) things.... So I will just move on.
Gigi sudah 6. Yg ke 6 errupted pas flu minggu lalu, yg dilanjut dgn batuk alergi dimalam hari utk yg ke2 kali. Berarti total 3 kali sakit (flu), semua terjadi saat keluar gigi. Gigi pertama pas 6mos, yg pake demam dan 2minggu nggak sembuh2 full. Gigi ke4 pas brgkt mudik lebaran, yg pake sariawan dan susah makan. Dan gigi ke6 ini, yg pake cranky bites while playing and breastfeeding.
Iyaaa... Setelah sindrom mainan gigi digesekgesek bikin mukanya jd nye ngit, sekarang suka gigit-gigit sakiiit. Masih suka sih mainan gigi, tapi frekuensinya udh nggak sesering pas tumbuh gigi ke5 (yg kelewatan itu >p).
(Ps: keliatannya nggak ada harapan utk meneruskan postingan ini dlm waktu dekat... Its been 2 days since the last paragraph -__- c u, soon I hope)
mid day sun day

Friday, October 22, 2010
Sunday, October 03, 2010
little missy
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Sometimes I wonder how I could survive missing you far away there...
I've been busy for quite a while. I left a lot of things. Events, moments, milestones, and of course, thoughts.
Nanananana... Where should I start...
1st, I think I started to tweet actively since yesterday. I kinda got the 'click' already. Now I sorta understood about what nesha said about blogging in twitter. Due to my lack of time updating this blog or even my daily journal, I guess, yes twitter could be an effective mini blog. But yeah, unconsidering the followers though. But ah, my necessity seem more urgent than that, at least for now, when I don't have any system working yet. I don't want to run out of moments no more... Its sadful. A big loss to me...
2nd, I miss my boys. One of them is surviving his worklife in the jungle, and the other growing up so fast that I can't barely notice every single changes. Its annoying, yet so amusing. Watching every inch of him still feels amazing. Seeing and remembering how he could be delivered here also still feel like a bless. I don't want to forget that, while I began to miss a little bit of this and that. Such as the erruption of the 5th tooth... No matter how cheesy it could be sound, still its very, I mean VERY annoying.
Fuh... The he's in the jungle is always be my best medicine. Ah... Haven't I told about the delivery ya... Earlier then I was remember about his saying right after the delivery, that I was so good and he were so proud of me. Yea, those formal and tipical words that you could easily adopt from a movie scene or magazine. Its just that I know that he's not that smart to lie, he's not that passionated to be such a sweet, and he's even obviously not that smart to control himself by the time. And so, yes I could take those saying from him truthfully.
It makes me think, after all achievements and else, that's the 1st time I really proud of myself. I mean, ME proud with myself, and like it. That's what came to my mind at the night after my baby was born. So this is it what to be proud is. And it feels right, the way I like it.
I had it even double. 1st, I proud that I could make him proud. 2nd, I proud that I could bring the baby good. 3rd, I proud that the baby is mine, ours. Yea, of all the reasons I ever had to be proud, I wonder why I pick those 3 reason.
1st- he might just say it emotionally, 2nd- no actually the process definitely not that smooth, I don't breathe properly (not because of I forgot nor losing control, but I've tried and I failed that its too hurt I can't barely managed), and the 3rd reason- really sounds selfish to me :p (yea let's face it, I make a good friend with contradiction since I don't know when but its already quite long).
But no matter how absurd it sounds, as I said before, I felt damn proud, and it feels right, and I like it. No other comparison. Thank you for both of my boys. I really do hope it could lead me to something good for both of you too. That I could answer your belongs with us here nicely, and that I could bring the pride your father has given to me into reality. And I guess, I would try to proove my rightness to be proud, for let's say, yea, my whole life. Um...yea, I usually don't let my self happy that easy. Its an illness.
Ah... So many things still rounding. And the night started to weigh on my eyes. Um.... I love you ya.
I've been busy for quite a while. I left a lot of things. Events, moments, milestones, and of course, thoughts.
Nanananana... Where should I start...
1st, I think I started to tweet actively since yesterday. I kinda got the 'click' already. Now I sorta understood about what nesha said about blogging in twitter. Due to my lack of time updating this blog or even my daily journal, I guess, yes twitter could be an effective mini blog. But yeah, unconsidering the followers though. But ah, my necessity seem more urgent than that, at least for now, when I don't have any system working yet. I don't want to run out of moments no more... Its sadful. A big loss to me...
2nd, I miss my boys. One of them is surviving his worklife in the jungle, and the other growing up so fast that I can't barely notice every single changes. Its annoying, yet so amusing. Watching every inch of him still feels amazing. Seeing and remembering how he could be delivered here also still feel like a bless. I don't want to forget that, while I began to miss a little bit of this and that. Such as the erruption of the 5th tooth... No matter how cheesy it could be sound, still its very, I mean VERY annoying.
Fuh... The he's in the jungle is always be my best medicine. Ah... Haven't I told about the delivery ya... Earlier then I was remember about his saying right after the delivery, that I was so good and he were so proud of me. Yea, those formal and tipical words that you could easily adopt from a movie scene or magazine. Its just that I know that he's not that smart to lie, he's not that passionated to be such a sweet, and he's even obviously not that smart to control himself by the time. And so, yes I could take those saying from him truthfully.
It makes me think, after all achievements and else, that's the 1st time I really proud of myself. I mean, ME proud with myself, and like it. That's what came to my mind at the night after my baby was born. So this is it what to be proud is. And it feels right, the way I like it.
I had it even double. 1st, I proud that I could make him proud. 2nd, I proud that I could bring the baby good. 3rd, I proud that the baby is mine, ours. Yea, of all the reasons I ever had to be proud, I wonder why I pick those 3 reason.
1st- he might just say it emotionally, 2nd- no actually the process definitely not that smooth, I don't breathe properly (not because of I forgot nor losing control, but I've tried and I failed that its too hurt I can't barely managed), and the 3rd reason- really sounds selfish to me :p (yea let's face it, I make a good friend with contradiction since I don't know when but its already quite long).
But no matter how absurd it sounds, as I said before, I felt damn proud, and it feels right, and I like it. No other comparison. Thank you for both of my boys. I really do hope it could lead me to something good for both of you too. That I could answer your belongs with us here nicely, and that I could bring the pride your father has given to me into reality. And I guess, I would try to proove my rightness to be proud, for let's say, yea, my whole life. Um...yea, I usually don't let my self happy that easy. Its an illness.
Ah... So many things still rounding. And the night started to weigh on my eyes. Um.... I love you ya.