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Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 09, 2009
obstetricians in my list
Saturday, May 09, 2009
dr. Oni Khonsa
RSIA Tambak
Jl. Tambak No 18, Manggarai Jakarta Pusat - 10320
t. 2303444 / f. 3902550
senin & rabu 18.00-20.00
jumat 16.00-18.00
dr. Rudiyanti
RS Internasional Bintaro
t. 7455500/600/700
senin-sabtu pagi-siang
selasa-jumat magrib-malam
dr. Hasnah Siregar
Senin, Rabu-Sabtu
dr. Suharjanti Kramadibrata
Senin-Kamis, Sabtu
RSIA Hermina Jatinegara
Jl. Jatinegara Barat 126, Jakarta Timur
t. 819123/85138383 (hunting)
dr. Bramundito
RS Pondok Indah
Jl. Metro Duta Kav. UE, Jakarta Selatan
t. 7657525. ext. 1300 / f. 7502324
senin-jumat pagi-sore
sabtu pagi-siang
Friday, May 08, 2009
is that you?
Friday, May 08, 2009
this is the start of something good....
this morning of knowing, this verse suddenly come out and now keep humming in my mind. never thought before,that this old nice ordinary and forgotten song going tobe this big to me. there were only rain and clouds and breeze and my warm body, red lips and still a sleepy eyes. i am now awake.
magic. weird, but magic... i dont know what i feel, but i fell a tear. maybe i love you already. hug. fu...
Follow Through - Gavin deGraw
Oh, this is the start of something good
Don't you agree?
I haven't felt like this in so many moons
You know what I mean?
And we can build through this destruction
As we are standing on our feet
So, since you want to be with me
You'll have to follow through
With every word you say
And I, all I really want is you
You to stick around
I'll see you everyday
But you have to follow through
You have to follow through
These reeling emotions they just keep me alive
They keep me in tune
Oh, look what I'm holding here in my fire
This is for you
Am I too obvious to preach it?
You're so hypnotic on my heart
So, since you want to be with me
You'll have to follow through
With every word you say
And I, all I really want is you
You to stick around
I'll see you everyday
But you have to follow through
You have to follow through
The words you say to me are unlike anything
That's ever been said
And what you do to me is unlike anything
That's ever been
Am I too obvious to preach it?
You're so hypnotic on my heart
So, since you want to be with me
You'll have to follow through
With every word you say
And I, all I really want is you
(For) you to stick around
I'll see you everyday
But you'll have to follow through
With every word you say
An I, all I really want is you (For) you to stick around
I'll see everyday
But you have to follow through
You have to follow through
You're gonna have to follow
Oh, this is the start of something good
Don't you agree?
rl4385: fifuuu...viko trah dewangga has signed back in. (5/8/2009 9:48 AM)
rl4385: cup...
rl4385: r u there fu...
viko trah dewangga: cup sayaaang,..
rl4385: fu,
rl4385: i may be pregnant
viko trah dewangga: waaaa,... kok bisa sayang,...
viko trah dewangga: amin amin amin,.....
rl4385: bbrp hari ini badannya nggreges
rl4385: meriang aneh
viko trah dewangga: darimana tika tau sayang,...
rl4385: susah tidur
rl4385: gelisah nggak jelas
rl4385: agak konstipasi
rl4385: nggak mual spt tk biasa mual si...
rl4385: tapi rasanya spt kembung terus...
rl4385: sering pusing
rl4385: yg limbung
viko trah dewangga: konstipasi apaan sih?
rl4385: spt nggak stabil
rl4385: susah pup tapi pingin pup
rl4385: kalo biasanya kan tk susah pup tapi emg nggak pingin pup
rl4385: terus nggak bisa ma pan, di kursi di sofa, di kasur, di manapun...
rl4385: nggak bs blek sek
rl4385: susah tidur
rl4385: sering demam...
rl4385: lebih tepatnya spt demam terus
rl4385: bibirnya merah
rl4385: tk baca2... yg diatas, ternyata termasuk gejala kehamilan
rl4385: meski emg sgt2 ambigu sama nggak fit atau dapet
rl4385: oiya, dan agak2 anyang2an dan sering nyeri
rl4385: kaya kalo mau dpt
rl4385: begitu...
rl4385: and about me feeling weird -that unsettled feeling- it might be just a feeling... sugesti
rl4385: fu... r u still there?
viko trah dewangga: hihihiih.,.. tika beli tespack lagi deh,..
rl4385: iya,
rl4385: terus kemaren tk beli testpack
viko trah dewangga: buat mastiin.... ada baiknya beli juga jagan 1, tapi 2 ato 3 merek,.
viko trah dewangga: ya,..
rl4385: tadi pagi tk cek
rl4385: its two stripes
viko trah dewangga: it's mean?
rl4385: positif
viko trah dewangga: waaaaaaa,..... alhamdulilah,.......
viko trah dewangga: cek cek cek lagi sayang,..
rl4385: ^_^
rl4385: yap...
rl4385: im still feeling weird now
viko trah dewangga: alhamdulilah,.. kalo udah nanti ke lab,.. buat cek2 kesehatan alat reproduksinya,.. buat mastiin ga ada sesuatu yang bisa ganggu kesehatan janin kita,.. ya ya ya,..
rl4385: dan kmrn2 sbnrnya tk smpt ngebatin... mviko bbrp hari terakhir jg agak aleman kan
rl4385: gelisahan... mgkn krn tknya jg lg gelisah...
rl4385: that unsettled feeling i mentioned
rl4385: it really feels weird
viko trah dewangga: iya,... gelisah,.. pengen pulang,....
viko trah dewangga: yawes,. tika tenang aja,.. ya sayang,....
rl4385: never once like that before
viko trah dewangga: jaga kesehatan ya,...
rl4385: im oftenly weird, but not like that
viko trah dewangga: aku tak bilang mamaku ah,...
rl4385: seeekk...
rl4385: nanti dulu aja deh...
rl4385: kalo udah ke dr,
rl4385: dan sdh pasti semua2...
viko trah dewangga: hihiiiihihihih,.. i want to share my happiness,..
rl4385: iya emg anyel... ^.^ pagi ini tk jg anyel
viko trah dewangga: no no no no at least just about 2 strips,..
viko trah dewangga: to get blessing more,..
rl4385: tapi kalo trnyata salah
rl4385: tiwas imajinasi liar...
viko trah dewangga: gpp,.. yang penting ada sesuatu untuk lebih di doakan,..
rl4385: makanya td jg tk blg mviko i may be pregnant
rl4385: hum.... gitu ya...
viko trah dewangga: gpp,... sesutu itu awalnya dari harapan dan cara utama untuk memupuk harapan adalah dengan bermimpi,..
rl4385: iya sih... masih perlu didoakan....
rl4385: *then suddenly its getting weirder*
rl4385: >_<
rl4385: hihi...
viko trah dewangga: cup,. peluuk sayang,...
rl4385: peluk... facebookmu jg jgn aneh2 yg trll eksplisit dulu ya fu....
viko trah dewangga: i want to go homeee,.................................................................
rl4385: minimal biar org2 terdekat aja kalo emg mviko mau cerita...
viko trah dewangga: hiiiiihihhihih,.. gimana kalo statusnya gini ^^two strips,....
viko trah dewangga: hihiiihihi
rl4385: and for them not to be outloud
rl4385: sure not!
rl4385: please not....
rl4385: im still feeling not ready for questions ^_^
viko trah dewangga: oo,.. ya ya ya ya ya,...
rl4385: hap peluk dulu
rl4385: doain tk....
viko trah dewangga: peluk sayang,...
viko trah dewangga: aku jadi dek-dek-an ni,...
rl4385: puk puk.... jgn gelisah lagi jadinya ya...
viko trah dewangga is typing a message.
viko trah dewangga: pokoknya,.. tika ke dokter hari ini,..
rl4385: its way clearer now