mid day sun day

mid day sun day

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

we moved! we moved!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
everyday is such brand new day, like literally. 
hari ini temboknya putih, besok khaki. besoknya lagi pintu dipasang. terus hooknya. terus sofa masuk. terus dispenser. terus karpet. terus cermin. dst dst. yang pasti hari ini giliran pohon, yeiy! more life to come!  told ya, now we're in the camping ground phase =D

this is somehow unusual, subconsciously i know, i think.
karena kemarin sempet mimpi yg agak kontekstual. tentang aliens, refugees, nomaden, rumbles xD bless us and keep us all safe and sound ya Allah ya... its just, this is like irresistibly fascinating. yea i admit it, we gotta drag some extra brave (not to mention shameless xD) guts to move in this soon. but, BUT, someway somehow, we chose this than any other options. we can only stand our homeless phase in a week. just right after we installed the bed, toilet, shower, and aircon, we decided to stay overnight. and it didnt take so long for us to call this site as home. like whenever the kid got sleepy, even if we're in some cozy place or relatives's house, he will ask to go back home. 

here home. alhamdulillah...
out of being grumpy for not finishing the house right away, the other most lovable fact is that it really is not only me (and probably si papi yg ga tau deh sebenernya merasa gimana xD) who get the excitement every time any single thing in this house done installed. the kid does too! i dont know if its just becoming some habbits or reflects or whatever... but i feel like we can really share the perks of living here together. here at our very own house. here at this camping ground. i really really am cant fool myself. out of this and that, among what society would normally say, i am so happy. that i want to put some giggling emoticon.

hihihi... yep some perky eyes like that could sorta do. soon i will post some snapshot from our daily life here. and soon, hopefully sooon, the house will be done. at least theoritically, so that our happines could become even more legit xD amen.
mid day sun day © 2014